
ccsc culinary

chinese cooking | western cooking | japanese cooing


Charity Cultural Services Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that aims to help children, youth, and adults prepare for a better future by offering support and opportunities through education, employment, training, and other essential services that promote personal and economic self-sufficiency.

CCSC has been serving the Asian American community with low-income populations for more than 35 years. CCSC has provided many free and successful training programs to assist San Francisco immigrant communities. Their services include:

  • Culinary Job Training and Placement Programs
  • Construction Job Training and Placement Programs
  • Job Readiness Services
  • Environmental Education Programs
  • Youth Leadership Programs
  • Chinatown Neighborhood Access Point

We hired 3 students:

Guodong Rong

ShaoYing Lin

Honghao Wang

We hired them from the Charity Cultural Services Center.

The agency assists newcomer families by:

Providing skills and support to help ease the transition of life in a new culture.

Mobilizing and empowering clients by providing tools that allow newcomers to improve quality of life and provide a greater chance at equal opportunities in their new home.

Here is a link to their website.

Q. How long have you been cooking professionally?

A. I have been cooking professionally since 1970, so now for 44 years. This year in April I had my 38th anniversary in the Hotel Traube Tonbach of which I have for 34 years been ead chef at restaurant Schwarzwaldstube.

Q. Where did you train to cook?

A. After finishing school, I went to culinary school from 1970 to 1973 at the “Mönchs Waldhotel” in Dobel (Northern Black Forest). My career choice was heavily influenced by my grandparents. They were part-time farmers and spending time with them as a child awoke my interest in farming and fresh products.

Q. How would you describe your style of cooking?

A. We are doing a light, contemporary cuisine style with French influences and a strong impact of regional products from our area – of course depending on the season. Most of all, I concentrate on the highest quality of the products as this is the base for an excellent kitchen and the only thing one cannot fix by simply just cooking well.

Q. Is there a secret for a successful restaurant?

A. Someone who is afraid of his guests should never open a restaurant. Everything starts with the reception of the guests and it ends with their goodbye. All the little things between making the difference between leading a restaurant and leading a successful restaurant. If everything is in accordance, it can be an unforgettable stay for the guest and a success for the restaurant. Of course, it does not work without a team, which is strong and committed. One that works together perfectly, humanely and professionally – but also is passionate about serving the best possible dishes to their guests. Our secret is a lot of constant work combined with even more passion and the urge to succeed every single day. And we love what we do.

Q. Do you have a “signature dish” or favourite dish you enjoy cooking?

A.Yes, game is one of my favourite ingredients, so it is a game dish with meat from our region, the Northern Black Forest. Here, especially roe and red deer...
